C/ Fray José Trinidad 13
Tlfno/Fax: 920 370 403 - 920 370 997
05400 - Arenas de San Pedro (Ávila)
C/ Fray José Trinidad 13
Tlfno/Fax: 920 370 403 - 920 370 997
05400 - Arenas de San Pedro (Ávila)
If you are reading this is that either you were looking for us, or you have come here for some reason. In any case, you are welcome.
Finding a lawyer and choosing the right one in theses times are not an issue to take lightly, it is an important decision. Many things will depend on your future.
That's why we want you to trust us. We are a team of dynamic, active, enterprising and resolute people, and our work enchants us, we are passionate.
We know that what we do affects the lives of many people. It has and will have its repercussions.
And, because we are aware of it and the responsibility it implies, it gives us a lot of respect, motivating us to work so hard in our work, we strive to be worthy of the trust that is placed in us.
Knowing that encourages us to keep going, not to surrender, to try to overcome ourselves every day by making us deserving of it.
We will not make promises that can not be keep, but what we guarantee is that we will work hard, be honest and do everything in our power to help you with your problem.
And under those premises, we are proud to be able to say that in our office customers enter, but friends leave.
You know where we are. Count on us when you need us.
AG Abogados
Antonio García Muñoz