español inglés

C/ Fray José Trinidad 13

Tlfno/Fax: 920 370 403 - 920 370 997

05400 - Arenas de San Pedro (Ávila)

C/ Fray José Trinidad 13

Tlfno/Fax: 920 370 403 - 920 370 997

05400 - Arenas de San Pedro (Ávila)

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AG Abogados - Antonio Garcíais an Office composed of professionals of the Law, who develop their work in the different areas of the Legal Order.

Our main headquarters is in Arenas de San Pedro (Avila), although we exercise in all Spain, to act before the different Tribunals, Organisms and Administrations.

One of our greatest satisfactions is to have a high level of professional and human quality in the development of our work, to achieve the best possible result in defending the interests of our clients and obtain a judicial protection that is really effective.

Our staff has several professionals, all of them with reputed experience and technical qualifications, added to the knowledge of being or have been members of various administrations (Admón of Justice: Prosecutors and Judicial Secretaries, Local Administration: Secretaries-Interventors of Local Administration, Etc ...), all in benefit of the service we provide to our customers.

In addition we have highly qualified administrative and technical personnel, and several collaborators such as the specialist Psychologist Dª Paloma Fernández Colorado (Master in clinical, legal and forensic psychology).